Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Adultery Wednesdays

So, the Foreign Policy Association had us all write a summary of 2011 and our predictions for 2012 on our particular blogging topics.  This has been weighing on me, but I finally got it done, just before the deadline.  It's here.  I'm by no means an expert, but having strong opinions (the Robinson family motto: Often wrong, never unsure), I had a piece or two to say.  It's a bit long--we also had to give some book recommendations and talk about our fave person from 2011--so buckle in. 

Tomorrow is World AIDS Day, so I'll have more to say on Friday, for a regular Adultery Fridays post.  I'll go ahead and say it now: go get tested, friends!  Please take a moment tomorrow to remember the people we have lost to the virus and those who soldier on.  And if you're feeling in any way solvent, donate some cash to a well-deserving HIV/AIDS organization.  There are many.  They do good work.  And with their help, and yours, we could see an HIV-free generation sooner than you'd think.

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